CEMCH Spotlight: Tulane’s SPHTM MCH Alum
Happy Tuesday! CEMCH wants to take the time to recognize Tulane’s SPHTM MCH alum. Our first CEMCH Spotlight is on Elizabeth Hasseld, MPH. Elizabeth currently works at the Resuscitation Research Group at the University of Edinburgh (@RRG_Edinburgh) which hosts a portfolio of research projects and studies related to out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA). She primarily works…
Upcoming Communication Seminars
Please join us for a series of workshops in communication skills focused on promoting health, specifically for community organizers, neighborhood groups and public health students and professionals. These seminars will focus on professional and scientific communication skills. These seminars are free and open to the public. All seminars will be 12:00-12:45p Tulane School of Public…
Tulane MCHLT Scholar Program – now accepting applications
The Tulane Maternal and Child Health Leadership Training program is now accepting applications for new Scholars!