Inspired and Empowered

Six of our MCH students attended the 2020 annual meeting of the American Public Health Association(APHA), held October 24-28, 2020, online.  What follows is a post from one of the attendees. Briasha Jones, BS As a first year MPH student and being new to the field of public health in general, this year’s APHA conference…


Innovations: Move the Norm

Six of our MCH students attended the 2020 annual meeting of the American Public Health Association (APHA), held October 24-28, 2020, online.  What follows is a post from one of the attendees. Momi Binaifer Sagoe, BS This year I had the privileged to attended my first  APHA conference and virtual conference. Given the current COVID…


Staying “Woke” In Public Health

Six of our MCH students attended the 2020 annual meeting of the American Public Health Association(APHA), held October 24-28, 2020, online. What follows is a post from one of the attendees. Tiwani Oseni, BS Did I think I’d be attending my first APHA Annual Conference from the comfort of my own home? No. Did I still…


Pregnant during hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico

Six of our MCH students attended the 2020 annual meeting of the American Public Health Association(APHA), held October 24-28, 2020, online. What follows is a post from one of the attendees. Fabiola Tarazona Tubens, BS This year I had the opportunity to attend for the first time the APHA 2020 Virtual Meeting from my home in…
