Monitoring and Evaluation Health Advisor

Global Health Fellows Program

Technical Advisor III:  Monitoring and Evaluation Health Advisor

Office of Strategic Planning, Budgeting and Operations, Bureau for Global Health, United States Agency for International Development

Location: Washington , DC

Assignment: Two year fellowship


The Global Health Fellows Program (GHFP) is a five year cooperative agreement implemented and managed by the Public Health Institute (PHI) in partnership with the Harvard School of Public Health, Management Systems International, Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine. GHFP is supported by the US Agency for International Development (USAID).

The goal of GHFP is to improve the effectiveness of USAID Population, Health and Nutrition programs by developing and increasing capacity of health professionals in Washington , DC and overseas. This is accomplished through the recruitment, placement and support of junior, mid and senior level health professionals; a diversity initiative focused on providing internship and mentoring opportunities in international public health to underrepresented communities; and professional and organizational development activities to bolster USAID’s ability to maximize results and strengthen its leadership role in global health.


The Bureau for Global Health (GH) is the USAID/Washington operating unit charged with providing technical support to improve the health of people in the developing world by expanding health services, including family planning/reproductive health and maternal/child health; strengthening health systems; and addressing HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis, avian influenza and other public health threats.  GH’s primary role in the health program area is to strengthen field operations, promote research and technical innovation, and provide leadership and training.

Within GH, the Office of Strategic Planning, Budgeting and Operations serves as the staff office for GH’s Assistant Administrator; provides the Controller function and the regional, country and donor coordination; and has primary responsibility for the Bureau’s strategic planning, budgeting, programming, and procurement functions.  The Office provides leadership, advice, and support for overall strategic direction, resource allocation, and procurement planning.  It also works across the Bureau’s technical offices to promote program integration and coordination.  It further supports efforts to monitor and promote the effectiveness of programs and the achievement of GH objectives, and is integrally involved in performance monitoring as well as appropriate evaluations.  The Office provides critical advice and support for the Bureau’s donor coordination activities, and serves as a technical point of contact for bilateral and multilateral donors and foundations, universities and the commercial sector.


The Monitoring and Evaluation Advisor serves as the Agency’s senior global health advisor for monitoring and evaluation, and in carrying out this role leads the GH team which acts as a resource on USAID monitoring and evaluation (M&E) policies and practices.  The Advisor leads the development and implementation of a Bureau-wide research and evaluation agenda/plan; oversees implementation of this Bureau evaluation plan; and ensures the analysis and dissemination of evaluation findings, conclusions, recommendations and best practices are appropriate.  S/he participates in the GH monitoring and evaluation management and oversight efforts, and serves as the Bureau’s resource on USAID performance monitoring policies and practices.  The Monitoring and Evaluation Advisor also leads GH’s efforts to inform USAID “assessing and learning” policies and practices, and provides strategic planning and program analysis support as needed.  Finally, s/he participates in a wide range of strategic planning roles in support of the Division for Strategic Planning and Budgeting.

Assessing and Learning: 50%

  • Leads GH in “assessing and learning,” including participation in the Monitoring and Evaluation Working Group, providing technical oversight on GH projects that provide M&E and on technical assistance activities that require M&E, and various other tasks that inform GH program monitoring and evaluation efforts.
  • Reviews and evaluates performance monitoring data, ensuring consistency between strategic plans, performance indicators, and planned results.  Analyzes and monitors trends in program elements, GH sectors and sub-sectors, evaluates and advises on the impact of these trends on US Government (USG) assistance goals.
  • Transforms performance data into analysis critical for effective decision-making statistics on all GH foreign assistance funding worldwide.  Consults with GH leadership, provides prompt and accurate analysis for policy makers throughout USAID, the US Department of State, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), the National Security Council, Congress, field missions’ health and program offices, and other USG agencies, as appropriate.
  • Serves as the Bureau’s resource on developing and assessing USAID M&E policies and practices.  Coordinates and facilitates the completion of the Bureau’s required submissions to the Agency and the US Department of State for planning and performance reporting.  Reviews, analyzes, and maintains information in the various performance monitoring databases to inform decisions and to provide feedback to implementers.
  • Reviews field and central operating unit program performance, including performance and monitoring reports and evaluations, to identify issues that may affect planning and implementation of GH programs.
  • Develops evaluation and analytic agendas, including statistical and research advice, for all assistance coordinated by GH ensuring, that policy and program concerns and specific evaluation questions are addressed.  Ensures the validity and accuracy of monitoring and evaluation efforts.
  • Manages multi-country program evaluations to address policy and program issues as well as cross-cutting themes.  Ensures that lessons learned and best practices are disseminated and that evaluation results are available in decision-making.

Monitoring and Evaluation Technical Assistance: 25%

  • Provides technical and analytical assistance to missions to ensure strategic planning and performance monitoring requirements (e.g., Mission Performance Plans and Annual Report submissions) are implemented to meet the standards defined by USAID, the Bureau for Foreign Assistance in the US Department of State as well as OMB.
  • Provides standards, and training as needed, to implementers in developing strategic plans and performance monitoring systems needed to increase the effectiveness and impact of programs.

Strategic Planning: 25%

· Conducts investigations and special analyses for input to strategic planning, policy development, performance reporting, program design, speeches, Congressional inquiries, and other program documents related to the Agency’s health sector.

· Actively participates in the identification, analysis, creation and dissemination of key policy and strategic issues relating to the Agency’s health sector.

· Participates in the preparation and analysis of presentations by GH technical offices in the annual GH portfolio review.


  • Master’s degree in public health, international relations, economics, anthropology, history, geography or related discipline
  • Minimum ten years’ experience in M&E policies and practices with at least three years’ experience in an international/resource poor setting
  • Knowledge of the theories and principles of development assistance, particularly in the health sector, applied in analyzing and evaluating factors and conditions involved in the administration of US foreign assistance programs
  • Knowledge of current US foreign policy objectives and programs to assess the relevancy and implications of global social, political, economic, geographic and military issues, developments and events affecting the formulation and execution of US foreign policy, particularly US foreign assistance
  • Mastery of social science methods and techniques to produce policy-relevant assessments that involve the research and analysis of information derived from a variety of sources
  • Ability to provide advice guidance and consultation to officials on the interpretation and application of completed analyses
  • Strong interpersonal communication and writing skills
  • Ability to work with diverse teams
  • High degree of judgment, maturity, ingenuity and originality to interpret strategy, to analyze, develop and present work results, and to monitor and evaluate implementation of programs
  • Willingness to travel internationally
  • US Citizenship or Permanent Residency required


Salary will be based on commensurate experience and earnings history. The Public Health Institute offers a comprehensive benefits package including professional development programs.


Visit the Recruitment section of our website at

All candidates are required to apply through GHFP’s online recruitment system, which allows you to store your CV, profile and bio data form in our database. A separate cover letter describing your qualifications and experience, interest and familiarity with issues relating to this position, and how this position relates to your career goals is required for each application.  All online applications must be submitted by March 16, 2009.

We are proud to be an affirmative action employer.

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