Glimpse of Something More

Many of our students attended this year’s meeting of the American Public Health Association (APHA), held in Atlanta, November 4 – 8. What follows is a post from one of these attendees.

By Temitope Akintimehin, BS

Temitope Akintehin, at the Tulane APHA booth

Going to the APHA Conference in Atlanta, Georgia, gave me a renewed perspective on public health. It is one thing to learn from a paper about the research people have done, but to be able to have the opportunity to speak to a researcher about their work in person is a whole other experience. This conference allowed me the chance to speak one-on-one with public health professionals in the field and network with people who were enthusiastic to connect me with peers who shared my interest. Despite being a student and inexperienced, the health professionals and doctors never made me feel like I did not belong. They welcomed my curiosity and they responded with great wisdom. I never felt intimidated to voice my opinion or ask for more clarification. The more I interacted with people, the more confident I felt about my choice to pursue my MPH degree.

What I enjoyed most about the conference was the diversity. There were a variety of sessions and topics that covered just about everything about public health. That reminded me just how versatile the realm of public health could be and that it was ok for me to have multiple interests that overlapped. The more I attended sessions, asked questions, and contributed to conversations, the more I felt like I belonged. Seeing the way panelists responded to questions and comments was invigorating. I could see how passionate they were about their work and how confident they were with presenting their findings. I knew that I wanted to be like them one day and I was able to leave certain, now more than ever, that I was on the right path to get there.

Overall, I am happy that I got the chance to experience this type of conference at this time in my life. I was able to build a new network filled with dynamic individuals that want to make a difference in the world. I not only met inspirational individuals but was also able to make good friends with people who can provide advice and support. I am looking forward to whatever comes next for me.

“I don’t know what my future holds, but I do know who holds my future.” – Tim Tebow

Temitope Akintimehin received her Bachelor of Science degree in Healthcare Management from Towson University in 2014. She is currently a first-year MPH student, concentrating in Maternal and Child Health.  She plans to graduate in May 2019. Her interests include maternal and infant health, health and racial disparities, global health, and community health.  She also enjoys watching foreign films, going to the beach, listening to live music and dancing.

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