The Exercise Planning and Personnel Training Coordinator, in the Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response (OPHPR), will be responsible for the training of Baltimore City Health Department (BCHD) staff on various aspects of emergency preparedness. The work objectives will involve identification of training opportunities, development of curriculum, recruitment and notification of participants both internally and among stakeholders groups, organization of exercises and drills, and evaluation of training outcomes.
Duties Include:
- Organization and development of resources for health department personnel related to emergency preparedness.
- Design of HSEEP complaint exercises and drills that meet the requirements for pandemic flu and Strategic National Stockpile plans.
- Development of evaluation tools for emergency exercise and drills.
- Compilation of after-action reports from exercises and drills.
- Development of training strategy based on lessons learned from exercises.
- Carrying out of monthly training objectives including National Incident Management System, Incident Command System (ICS), risk communications, communications equipment, etc.
- Coordination of stakeholders on interagency drills to include Office of Emergency Management, Fire Department, Police Department, Public Works, Department of Housing, Red Cross, Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, etc.
- Collaboration with Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), local Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) and Maryland Professional Volunteer Corps (state MRC) on emergency response preparedness.
- Advisement of OPHPR team on issues of interest to planning and outreach efforts based on current work with exercises and training.
- Response to large-scale emergency events as directed by the Baltimore City Health Commissioner and fulfillment of role within chain of command in the Health Department’s ICS.
Knowledge, Skills and Abilities:
The ideal candidate for this position will possess the following:
- Excellent written and oral communication skills.
- A Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree in emergency management, emergency services, fire science, public health, public administration or related field.
- Knowledge of the Homeland Security Exercise Evaluation Program (HSEEP).
- Knowledge of multi-agency, multi-level response integration for emergency management and response.
- Experience in emergency response and/or emergency management.
- Experience delivering instructional programs, with preference given to those candidates who have experience training response personnel on chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive (CBRNE) agents.
- Skills with Microsoft Office products (including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint).
Salary: approx. $45,000 (negotiable)
Please submit resume with cover letter by May 9, 2008 to:
Meghan Butasek
Director, OPHPR
Baltimore City Health Department
210 Guilford Ave., 3rd Floor
Baltimore, MD 21202