I am working in health and welfare benefits consulting at PricewaterhouseCoopers in Chicago. My group is planning on hiring a SAS programmer to work with us on insurance claim audits, health and productivity measures, and other statistical analysis that will help us to support our employer clients in the development of health care strategies, implementation of health and welfare programs, vendor selection and ongoing measurement. We are still in the process of developing a formal job description, but we are interested in someone who has significant SAS programming experience and an understanding and interest in the health care system in the US and globally. The postition could be a temporary summer internship opportunity or a longer term position, depending on the candidate.
Would you be able to post or distribute this information for students or recent graduates? You can use me as the contact person for questions or interest. Thanks so much!!
Heather Lessely
Healthcare Consulting, 1 North Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL 60606
Telephone: +1 312 298 2625