Preconception and multigenerational health: Links between cardiovascular and reproductive health
If you missed Dr. Emily Harville's webinar, "Preconception and multigenerational health: Links between cardiovascular and reproductive health" on Thursday, May 2nd, the recording can be found below!
Spring 2019 Health, Racism, and Communication Seminar
Have you ever wondered how health, racism, and communication overlap? If so (or if not) check out the videos of our riveting 3-Part Health, Racism, and Communication Seminar Series at the links below. 1. “Social Entrepreneurship as a Strategy to Engage Communities and Improve Health Outcomes” features Nicole Deggins, CNM, MSN, MPH, Founder and Director…
Black Mamas Matter Alliance Pushes Awareness on Reproductive Justice
"We are collectively challenging programs [...] that fund clinical interventions, influence policy, and conduct research on Black Mamas to hold structural systems and social policies accountable for poverty, instead of developing and advancing mechanisms for controlling and limiting pregnancy and childbirth for low-income people." This quote provides a good summary of the linked article titled:…
WEBINAR: Preconception and multigenerational health: Links between cardiovascular and reproductive
Please join us for a webinar viewing with Dr. Emily Harville from the Department of Epidemiology at Tulane School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine. She will discuss how preconception health and cardiovascular health are interrelated. You will learn how cardiovascular health affects pregnancy outcomes and vice versa, what the evidence is for multigenerational influences…